1. behandling af beslutningsforslag nr. B 132: Forslag til folketingsbeslutning om indførelse af mærkning med brailleskrift på pakninger med lægemidler til dyr

1st reading of the parliamentary motion no. B 132: Proposal for parliamentary resolution on the introduction of braille labeling on animal pharmaceutical packaging
MP Karina Adsbøl
Publication Year
MP Karina Adsbøl refers to the Explanations relating to the Charter (2007/C 303/02) and Article 26, when proposing the obligation of braille labelling on animal pharmaceutical packaging. MP Karina Adsbøl considers a braille labelling on animal pharmaceutical packaging to contribute to the securing of autonomy and dignity amongst blind people and visually impaired people and enable them to purchase animal pharmaceuticals on their own and thus secure these citizens their independence.